Be with You Always
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There is no binding, no conditions. Nothing is required, it is free of charge. Presence is free of charge and you are neglecting that Presence. If there is the Conviction ‘except myself nothing is there’, and ‘myself’ is not an egoistic statement, ‘except Selfless Self nothing is there’, you will get exceptional spiritual intoxication. I call it spiritual intoxication. Though you are living in the world, you remain unconcerned with the world. The entire world is projected out of your Presence. To say ‘world’, your Presence is required. In a dream you see sky, space, everything, even god, etc. Although you are acting in the dream, who is watching that dream, who is taking the video-shooting of that dream? After awakening you say “Oh, I’ve seen this thing, that thing, good dream, bad dream”. How was that dream-world projected? Similarly, this world is projected out of your Presence. But Presence does not know ‘I am Presence’, just like sky does not know ‘I am sky’. We say “This is sky”. The five elements do not know ‘I am the five elements, water does not know ‘I am water. Your Presence is beyond that. But we are neglecting all this. So be with you always.
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