All This Inquiry Is Totally Illusory Inquiry
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 17, 2012.
This is very simple, prior to this consciousness or this awareness of ‘I am’ nothing was there. The moment that spirit clicked with the body we are seeing the gods, goddesses and all this world. So, all these gods, goddesses, everything entire world is your spontaneous reflection, spontaneous projection. Concentrate on your Selfless Self. There is no concentration without meditation.
He says he has no questions only answers.
This is commando training. So, wherever you go, you will be able to answer any questions, which are basically for you. For which the knowledge is to be perfection. Perfect foundation. So, if any question, anybody puts any question before you, you will not shake with that question. You can easily reply to that question. When one foreigner woman asked questions of Nisargadatta Maharaj very heavy questions intellectually, but he is giving that reply very easily without thinking. He has not taken any of the credit, he says “Because of my Master Siddharameshwar Maharaj I am giving the answers.”
He says now the communication between him and you is more important for him than his own meditation.
This is direct approach. Without body, without body.
And for the meditation he needs a body. He describes he has a lot of different states and they change don’t last for long, but for the last five days he is in a state where he is free to accept or reject any thought that comes to him. He doesn’t want to analyze a lot, to apply his mind for this. But he says there is him and there is everything else.
This is a sign of spiritual conviction. Good sign.
He cannot say that he has convinced himself, but it is experienced by itself somewhere inside.
It is nice. So many miraculous experiences you will get from inside. Then you say to yourself ‘Oh what is this?’
He tries to forget his experiences as soon as possible because he is afraid of his own ego, that his ego will try to possess these experiences. To own this experience.
This experience will be dissolved, along with experience and ego will be dissolved automatically. When there is establishment of conviction all these experience, ego, intellect, mind will be dissolved, vanish. Their existence will remain casually.
As a chain as causality conceptual chancing.
As you are going closer and closer inside your Selfless Self all these experiences will be dissolved. Because all experiences, experience, witness of mind, ego, intellect, temptations, feelings, all these are body-based feelings. The moment body knowledge disappears or dissolves, all your experience, temptations or feelings dissolve. Then you become very calm, and calm, and calm inside.
Maharaj, some more tea?
Nighttime I am taking very, very light. One doctor has said stomach is cause of all disease. Similarly, mind is cause of spiritual disease. If you feed properly it is ok, if you give excessive diet, it will give you trouble. Similarly, excessive use of mind, ego and intellect will give you trouble. In our lineage they have simplified this knowledge, very, very thorough. It is practical knowledge, there are no inferences, there is not any logic, there are not any intellectual thoughts, it very practical, it is your knowledge. It is your Reality placed before you. Which you forgot. Have perfection. By various discussions we have conveyed a lot of information. Just to indicate, you are the Supreme of this world. Only thing, you don’t measure yourself in body form.
So, I think there won’t be any questions. Still there are questions? Questions, answers, reply’s, temptations, feelings all are body-based knowledge. It is Reality, you are not body, you are not going to remain body. Some or other day we have to willingly or unwillingly leave this body. Establish this Reality that you are not body. Whatever is happening inside feelings, temptations, ego, intellect pressure of all these elements will be dissolved totally. Conviction of Reality is most important. All books, all information, spiritual information, are indicating, that except yourself nothing is there. Don’t take any literal meaning of this information or this spirituality, what they wanted to convey, that is most important. Because we are having this habit, ‘What is the meaning of this word, what is the meaning of this word, what is the meaning of that word? Why this master says like this? Why that master says like that? All this inquiry is totally illusory inquiry. Because everybody’s experience is a different experience. One’s experience may not be another’s experience. So, don’t tally with why this experience is happening for this person, why this experience is, don’t tally. Don’t compare it. Therefore, meditation is good medicine to establish a conviction of your Reality. Just like I told, to remove thorn from your leg, you have to use another thorn. After removing that thorn, then you are throwing away both the thorns. Spiritual knowledge is like that. After your conviction you get rid of all these things. Therefore, the story of Eklavya is a very unique story. He cut his thumb and gave it, ‘I don’t want it.’ When you are going you deposit your ego, intellect, mind in Nashik Ashram.
You should have a special premises for ego.
Very good bank with us. You will give money but not these three things (ego, Intellect, mind). After having control of mind, ego and intellect, spontaneous control, then your entire life will be so that you won’t find any tension, any temptation, any unhappy incidents. Don’t come across any persons, perhaps he may impress his thoughts, the establishment of Reality may shake. He may create some doubts in your mind and then again you will come down with this original state. Try to avoid association of such people, those that are having illusory concepts.
If my foundation is firm enough, I should not be afraid of someone else’s concepts.
Correct, correct. Perfection, perfect foundation. Where there is not any body- knowledge. There is no body knowledge, so mind, ego, intellect, temptation and so many concepts are related to the body only. You want the experience of Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God also is illusion. Because to say Atman, Paramatman, you have to take ego of the body. Spirit does not have any name. Just we have given the name just to understand the spirit.
Try to learn to simplify all this Reality. I am placing before you your Ultimate Truth.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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