All Questions Are Rooted Through Body Form
All Questions Are Rooted Through Body Form Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj October 22, 2017.
M: So, we’re having human life, holding human body, and in human body, the Presence, spirit, energy is there, through which we are identifying our self as “I”. The moment that spirit or Presence touches with the body, painful life started. That Presence has taken form, body form, as a man or woman, any being. Every being would like to have a peaceful life, a blissful life, but the physical body, food body, is not tolerable, particularly the human body, we’re experiencing our self, and the experience is as “I”. “I am body, I am form”. It is a little bit of a painful experience, it is not tolerable. To tolerate the human body form, we are trying to search for happiness, peacefulness, with material causes. Material causes mentioned are publicity, money, and sex. These are the main material sources to have a life that is peaceful or blissful. They are giving some temporary relief. Other than this, we are trying to have some spiritual sources. God, Goddesses, various Masters, and through various sources, praying to Gods, sitting for meditation, doing some physical activities, just like tapas, counting beads, and so many things. And there are so many Masters in this world; everybody is trying to convince, “Do this do that” so that you’ll get some blissfulness, some peacefulness. And in spite of doing all these activities, physical activities, we are not having any satisfaction, happiness, peacefulness, what you were expecting. We are getting temporary relief but not permanent relief, because always there is the fear of death. Always there is tension, no happiness, depression is there, nervousness is there. And because we are doing all activities through body knowledge, through body form, it creates some unwanted things. The result is a painful life. So how to find happiness, peacefulness, blissfulness? Spirituality teaches you how you can be successful, how you achieve real happiness, real peacefulness. And the first lesson is: you are holding the body and it is not your identity at all. It is a physical body, food body. So long as you are supplying food it is growing, the moment you stop supplying food and water, it will go away. So simple common sense is that the physical body, this form, is not permanent, it is having some limit, time limit, age limit. And who is holding the body? The holder of the body is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. This is bookish knowledge. What is the role of this Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master in my human life? That is the main question. And after knowing they’re Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, how will they get happiness? The second question. Such questions are appreciated. There are some people asking, “What is the color of Brahma? What is the color of Krishna?” These are not relevant how will they help you?
You should have knowledge that will help you at the time of leaving the body. Again, from childhood until today we are having a lot of concepts. Thousands of concepts. Concepts of parents, concepts of society, concepts of relatives, concepts of various sources. And now we are one with the concepts. We are trying to live within the circle of the concepts. So spiritual knowledge says, “Try to identify”. Prior to all these concepts, your Presence was there. It is just like space or sky. The Presence does not like all these illusory concepts. Your Presence does not know “I am Presence”. Prior to Beingness how were you? Invisible Presence, unidentified Presence, unidentified identity, where there is no experience, no experiencer, no witness, no witnesser. No “I” “you” “he” “she” or “it”. No concept of God or Goddesses, no needs, no requirements. These are the basics. Because of the human body we are having a lot of expectations. A lot of needs and requirements, to tolerate the human body, so how will all these requirements and needs help me. So, unless you identify that “me”, “I”, you will not get that blissfulness. Blissfulness is there, happiness is there. But, basically, try to understand, try to identify yourself. Who is acting with this body? When I say “I”, when I am talking with you, when I see the world? Who sees the world? Spiritual knowledge is trying to invite the attention of the invisible listener within you. Through which you are trying to identify the invisible Presence which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. To whom it is not necessary for any blissfulness or peacefulness. Blissfulness, peacefulness, happiness, are required for the body form. Basically, you are formless. Since you are formless there is no birth, no death, nothing is there. No past birth, no future birth. Nothing is there.
You have to identify, you have to know, everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves into nothing. After leaving the body who wants happiness? Who wants peacefulness? What to do for all these things? That is another question. “Yes, I can understand, I am not, body I was not body, okay”. “Body knowledge is not tolerable this is also okay”, “How will I get peacefulness?” Inside this is burning inside. To have peacefulness, blissfulness, you are to remove all the garbage. Garbage is in the form of various concepts. You have to clean it! “How can I clean it?” Again, a question. To clean all this garbage since childhood until today, you have to undergo meditation. What do we mean by meditation? To whom should I meditate? Again, a question is there. Meditate on the invisible meditator within you. Who is expecting happiness? Who is expecting peacefulness? Who is expecting a fearless life? That invisible Presence is there, who has taken the form of a human body. Try to identify! Go deeper and deeper and deeper then you will forget your body identity. The moment you forget your body identity, at that time, spontaneous peacefulness
is there. Instead of considering “I am somebody else” that “somebody else” dissolves. I am not the body! Whatever painfulness is to the body and not to me. I am the holder of the body, so the body is not my identify. Because after leaving the body there is not any painfulness. Any fear is there? Prior to this Beingness or prior to consciousness no fear was there. No blissfulness was there. No requirement, no need, no experience. So, the unknown comes into the known through the body only. After knowing this secret of spiritual life, you will be totally free. Even if something happens to your body. You are having Conviction because the body is not your identity. So that incidence, that problem, will be bearable for you. It is painful, but you will think, “I am not the body at all”. It is temporary; so long as the body is there it is bound to happen (problems).
So the thing which is not tolerable prior to knowledge will become tolerable. So spontaneously blissfulness will be there. That pain you are having, that will be reduced. Just like my Master said, a simple example is given. Neighbors child is there, they are given to you. They are suffering from high temperature. You feel very sorry for that child. But at the same time, you are knowing: “This is the neighbors child not my child”. You feel it, high temperature, the child is crying, hmm? But at the same time, you are knowing: “This is not my child”. Similarly, this body is not your child. The body belongs to the five elements. There is suffering in this body but you are knowing “body is not my identity at all” just like this child is not mine. Suffering is there you, feel it. You feel sorry for it. But, at the same time, “It is not mine”. It is a five elements body. So, painfulness is there. As long as the body is there, a painful life is there, depression is there. So, then depression will be dissolved. Because you are considering this body is my identity. That body identity is supposed to be dissolved. It is a very simple thing. Spirituality is very simple. You know everything intellectually. You will be definitely realized. That Conviction is most important. “Yes, I am not body”. To have this Conviction, spiritual science is giving some methods, discipline, this is called meditation. Why is meditation required and what is the meditation? For meditation Naam Mantra is given, the meaning of Naam Mantra is “I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. It is called Soham Sadhana. According to breathing you are to recite the Mantra. With the result that out of that Mantra, some vibration will be created, and unwanted things will be removed and garbage will be cleaned. Why are we worried? Why is there no peacefulness? Because there is a lot of garbage inside, through mind, through ego, through intellect. So many things are there. So many concepts are there. Even though we are listening all the time every day it is not removed. Some questions are arising. Mind is pricking. Mind is creating so many problems. So, control your mind, control your ego, control your intellect.
As I have told you, mind ego and intellect are the functioning parts of the body, human body, food body. They were not in existence prior to Beingness, prior to consciousness. After consciousness they came into existence. It is part and parcel of these five elements. So how you are prior to Beingness or how you are prior to consciousness, that identity is supposed to be convinced, spontaneous Conviction is required. Then what is not tolerable will become tolerable. And for which I am insisting only reading is not sufficient, only listening is not sufficient. You have to have practical knowledge. Practice it. In the beginning I am telling you, for five months, six months, one year, you’ll feel “Oh it is a very prolonged thing”. Some, say, dislike, mind is rebelling against you, “What to do?” laziness will be there, nervousness will be there, but do it! That is the only remedy. In human life, to control mind ego intellect and to have realistic peacefulness, there is not any alternative to meditation. Only meditation can remove all the garbage. So in the
beginning you may feel “Oh…”. Meditation is not sitting like this. Always remember the words. Mantra. The Mantra is always hammering you “You are Brahman you are Brahman you are Brahman”. Twenty-four hours you are hammering. Even if you are in deep sleep the Mantra is going on inside. You’ll feel it. After awakening in the morning, in the early morning, you’ll feel the Mantra is going on inside. That oneness is supposed to be there. The Mantra is supposed to become one part and parcel of your food body. With continuous hammering all the garbage will become clean. And then reflection will be there. Suppose this mirror is full of dirt. So, you have to clean it then you will see your face. Correct? Similarly, with the mirror, transparency is there, but it is covered with so many concepts, so much garbage. So, you have to remove it, for the purpose of removing, meditation is there. After having meditation, after having Conviction, after removing all these things, you can just casually do it. But, until that time you have to do it there is not any other source. Okay? Any questions?
Q: Yes, question is there. “Maharaj yesterday you told me that it was a matter of being detached and identifying with the Self, that is why it was important to meditate. (M: Yes) During my meditation, it is a lot like contemplation and I find my body staring into the void as if melting into the landscape that has faded away. Is this normal, or is it but all meditation? Thank you, Maharaj.
M: It all is meditation, because there is some confusion started. So it is a cleaning process, a purification process. So, during meditation “I” is supposed to be dissolved. As long as you are noticing “I”, experiencing “I”, all these experiences will be there. Where all experience disappears there, you are. It is all processing, when you are doing meditation, some experience appears, good experience, bad experience, depression, nervousness, laziness. You have to go through all these things. But, silently, permanently and slowly, everything will be dissolved. As I have told you, you are to remove all the garbage, since childhood until today, so many concepts are there, taking possession of our body. Therefore, you have to remove it. It is a deliberate act, but to have the deliberate act, you have to undergo the meditation. So, meditation is the base. Whatever you are experiencing inside, then after you will experience something else. You’ll feel exceptional peacefulness. You’ll feel “I am different from body”. You’ll feel as if you are flying in the air, without weight. A lot of experiences appear, when you become thinner and thinner and thinner. You’ll feel so much blissfulness, exceptional happiness which cannot be described with any words. So continue with the meditation, continue reciting the Mantra, and then you’ll see the fun. All experiences will appear within you. Don’t rely upon me but I am telling of the experience that can happen from you. Because you are the central point of this world. The entire world is projected from you. The world does not have it is own identity. The world is the seer’s reflection. In the morning, when you are awakening, you immediately see the world. If there is no awakening in the morning, everything is gone. Hmm? So Kabir says “Consciousness disappears, the entire world disappears”. So no “I”, no “You”, no Bhagavann, no Master, nothing is there. Master is there, God is there, “I am” is there, “You” are there, as long as you have got consciousness. The moment the consciousness disappears, where is the “I”? Where is the Brahman, where is the Atman, where is the Master, where is the disciple? Nothing is there. Prior to consciousness what is there? All questions are rooted through body form, and you are not body at all. So basically, try to have that Conviction that how you were prior to consciousness, how you were prior to Beingness, where there is nothing.
We’re talking about something because we are holding body, we have a lot of attachment with the body. That attachment with the body is supposed to be dissolved. And I am saying not to neglect your body, but try to convince yourself, it is an open fact. Even if you think about it intellectually. Body is not your identity at all. Body is having a time limit. So, continue with the meditation and you will feel so many things. Some or other day, you may feel you are talking, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, is talking with you. Then all questions will be solved within you only. Just like I have given the example of Eklavya. It is a unique example in the Mahabharata, because Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Master is not separate from you. Until that time, you are to undergo the meditation. Oneness is there, where there is no “I”, there is no knower, no experience of Master and no experience of Brahman. Where everything disappears there, you are. Where everything disappears there, you are. But that is unknown. No experience is there. No experiencer is there. No witness is there, no witnesser is there. Body based “I” is supposed to be dissolved, to disappear. How are you prior to consciousness, prior to Beingness, how are you after leaving the body? Just imagine, forget it. Just imagine. After leaving body who remains? What experiencer remains? Do you know any God? Any Master? Any disciple? Any devotee? Nothing is there. As long as you are holding body all experiences are there. And to have this Conviction “I was not body, I am not body, I am not going to remain body.” “Body is not my identity, body was not my identity, body is not going to remain my identity” so far since “I am not doer at all!” There is no past, no future, no past birth or future birth. Why take up ego for this present life? Okay you can apply it for life happily. Just like a dream, this is a long dream. In the dream when you come to know this is a dream then you are laughing, “Oh, it is a dream!”. You are acting freely. Hmm? Any question?
Q: Yes. “Dear Guru, when I close my eyes there is someone looking at the black space. Should I focus on the seer while reciting the Mantra?
M: Yes, you can do it in the beginning. The seer is not separate from you. You are the seer and you are the meditator. You are the meditator and you are the seer. These are not separate. Oneness is required. What you see, what you are experiencing is out of your Presence only. When the seer disappears, nothing will be there. So, continue with the meditation, continue with the Mantra, and see the miracles happen within you. Okay.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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