Accept it: “Yes! I am That!”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj October 14, 2017.
So now, any fresh question? See purpose behind meditation is to invite the attention of invisible Listener within you. Since childhood until today, we are counting ourselves in body-form. Our conviction is “I am body, somebody else” and name is given to the body. In fact, body is not your identity at all, you know better. Body is having time-limit. So, who is holder of the body? It’s just glimpses of I. It is formless. So why is all this spirituality required? Why Naam mantra is required? Why meditation is required? The one reason is because we have forgot our identity. And we are under the pressure of so many concepts. Death and birth, past birth, future birth, hell, heaven, then virtue and bad deeds, good deeds, so many concepts! Because of so many body-based concepts, you are confused, everybody is confused! What to do? You always say that God is there, God is great, his blessing, if you do something wrong thing then he will punish you, if you are doing something good thing then he will reward you. These are various concepts. Where do I stand? Is this world true or not? What is the fate of the world? So, to come out from all this confusion, the secret of this spirituality is told. What is the secret of spirituality? The basic thing: you are counting yourself in body-form and that is to be discarded. It is fact! Body is not your identity at all, body was not your identity, body is not going to remain your identity. Only dry discussion on spirituality will not help you. So that body-based concept is supposed to be dissolved. Then the originality, the spontaneous presence, where there is no experience and no experiencer, will come out. We are trying to convince with some words, but words are not sufficient to define or give the meaning of this spirituality. But we are trying our level-best to convince with some words. So, what is the purpose behind this? The purpose behind the spirituality is to come out from these illusions. And what is reality? Your spontaneous invisible presence is the reality. To whom there is no birth, no death. Basically, you are unborn. See, the moment that spirit clicked with the body, you started saying ‘I am’. And that ‘I am’ was instantly colored with so many concepts: “I am man or woman, I am somebody being”, so many concepts. And then the world is there. World is projected out of your spontaneous invisible presence. Just like in deep sleep, we are sleeping but that dream world is projected. You are acting inside the dream world, you have so many feelings, so many concepts, so many people. You see the sea, so many hills, sun, moon, so many things. How is that world projected? You are acting in that world, and not even that, some video shooting of that world is getting taken. After awakening you say “I have seen good dream, bad dreams” etc., etc. It is not a good dream; it is not a bad dream. Same as that dream-world is projected, similarly, the moment spirit clicked with the body, this world is projected. So, what you see is the seer’s reflection. And we are to invite the attention of the invisible Seer within you that you are Ultimate Truth, final truth, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. These names are given to the Ultimate Truth, that invisible presence within this body. With the result that, at the time of leaving body, there won’t be any concepts. Human being body is very important, invaluable, because through human body, we can identify ourselves. This is golden opportunity for everybody.
And then what is the importance of meditation? So many times the questions are asked “what is the purpose of meditation?” You always suggest, in book I mention that concentrate invisible concentrator within you. “Means what?” There is a glimpse of I. The moment spirit clicked with body you say ‘I’. Who am I? The question is Who am I? If I am not body, who am I? That is the question. To reply this Who am I, you are to undergo the meditation. What is the meaning of meditation, of that Naam mantra? I am Brahman, Brahman I am; I am Brahman, Brahman I am. Brahman means Ultimate Truth. All the way, with that mantra, you are hammering yourself, with the result that body based knowledge will be dissolved. And how you were prior to beingness and how you are after leaving the body, that reality will be opened. It cannot be defined or explained in any words. W.O.R.D.S. words are only media. We have created language; we have given meaning to the various words. Through words, we are trying to convince. So not to analyze the words. There are some seekers or devotees who are always analyzing words: “this master says this, that master says that”. Don’t analyze the words of the various Masters. What they want to convey is most important. All the Masters want to convey that except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no master. You are Ultimate Truth; you are Almighty God. The listener within this body is Almighty God, to whom there is no form, to whom there is no birth and death. To whom there is no past and future life. Who is not doer, there is no deed. So, these are the reality. To open, to absorb this reality, you are to undergo, in the beginning, meditation. Meditation is the base. Without which, after reading so many books, approaching so many masters, it is meaningless. It is dry discussion, dry knowledge. Be practical. It is very simple, even if you think intellectually, what is there? This body was small child, become young man, then old man, and one or other day, willingly or unwillingly, you are to leave the body. Then it is reality that body is not your identity at all. So, who is acting from the body? Who is listening from the body? That question is there. That means that Who am I? It is said, the questioner itself is Ultimate Truth, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, and Master. But to have this spontaneous conviction you are to undergo, in the beginning, meditation. Through meditation you will get or regain your original memory. These are words, just remember that you are prior to beingness. How you are, your Ultimate Truth, is just like space or sky. Where there is no experience, no experiencer. This experience came out of nothing only. So that reality will be open with you. So always we say concentrate invisible concentrator within you. Means, invisible concentrator cannot be seen, it can be felt – I am, but you can’t see how that I am is. It is feeling. It is called glimpses of I, which is subtler, subtler than space and sky. There is no comparison to sky and space because sky is visible. But the experiencer, invisible experiencer within this body is not visible. You feel it. But we are mixed up with the body knowledge, therefore we are not having conviction. We are knowing I am Brahman, I am Paramatman, I am God, everything we know better. But that conviction is not there. To have the conviction appear spontaneously, you are to concentrate on the concentrator within you. It is a deliberate act. Then while concentrating on the concentrator, the concentrator and concentration will disappear. When you are trying to concentrate on the concentrator deliberately, after certain level, that concentration and concentrator disappear, nothing remains. That is to say Samadhi or trance. You know trance? So, there is no witness, no witnesser. So, like that, reality will be open with you and then there will be spontaneous peacefulness, spontaneous happiness: “Oh! That I, Oh I am That!”. So even though you are living in this world, even though you are holding this body, you remain unconcerned with the body. If there any calamity, any problem, any nervousness, any depressions, these are coming and going, these are mental bases, egoistic bases, intellectual bases. So, thoughts are coming and going. What is mind? Mind is the production of the thoughts. Mind is producing so many thoughts. Intellects is taking decision to implement those thoughts, and ego is implementing thoughts. It is a very simple thing. So prior to that, your presence is there.
In brief, you are Almighty God, You Are Almighty Brahman, You are Almighty Everything. Don’t count yourself in body-form. You are holding body, ok, it is external cover. But you are unconcerned with the body. So, with the result that at the time of leaving body, there won’t be any feeling “Oh! I am dying! Oh, do something to safeguard my body!” etc, etc. That thought will be dissolved spontaneously. Let it go! Because I am not body, this is not my property. The property belongs to the five elements, let them take, I am not concerned. That conviction will appear spontaneously with the result that you will be totally fearless, no tension will be there. So, though you are holding body, you remain unconcerned with the body, you remain unconcerned with the world, unconcerned with every feeling, no feelings will be there. Feeling may appear, it may come, it may go, you are not concerned. Thoughts are coming and going, you are not concerned. The thoughts which are useful for your daily use, you can use, the thoughts which are not useful, you are neglecting. So that art of living will appear within you spontaneously. How to act under certain circumstances, that clarity will be come. Nothing is impossible! The speaker within this body and listener within the body is one and the same. But the speaker in this body is inviting attention of the invisible listener within this body that except your Selfless Self, there is no God. There is no difference between master and disciple. There is no difference between deity and devotee. These are concepts. These concepts are appearing during the human form. Human from itself is illusion. You are beyond that; you are beyond that. This world itself illusory world. This is illusionary world, what we are posing our self is illusion.
And for which, in the beginning, again I am repeating, meditation is the only source. In the beginning that mind will rebel against you. Some laziness, some depressions, nervousness, but you don’t leave that meditation. Yesterday I received some message from one devotee. He says “In the first two or three months I could not concentrate meditation, so many confusion was there, so many depressions are there”. That means that those words of the meditation are affecting inside. The medicine given to you is affecting. So those unwanted things are going out, just like I told that there are some tenants in your house. While going, while leaving this house, they will abuse you because since long the tenants are there. Similarly, wrong concepts are there. So many wrong concepts are there, illusory concepts are there in body. So, while going, they will rebel against you. So, mind, ego, intellect is controlling your body – now you can control the mind, ego, intellect. It is a vice versa. So, you are Ultimate Truth, you are final truth, you are Almighty God, Almighty God is not separate from you.
Almighty God is the name given to the supernatural power which is already within you. So, don’t underestimate you. But you are to follow the meditation. It is very simple; you are to devote some time for You. In the beginning we are asking to do meditation for one hour, two hours, three hours. If you do it, it will give you more effect. And then after some time, you need not to go and have meditation. It is Spontaneous Meditation. Even if you are in deep sleep, meditation is there. Just like this body called man. I am not thinking ‘I am man, I am man, I am man’. This body given some name ‘Ramakant’, then in deep sleep “oh I am Ramakant”. Or his name is Gangadharam, you are in deep sleep “oh I am Gangadharam”. So that word is totally close and close and has become one with body. Similarly, the word Brahman is supposed to be very close with your Selfless Self. At that moment you will forget everything. Till that time, you are not to leave this Naam mantra. Naam mantra is necessary up to the level till you get spontaneous conviction that I am Brahman, without any experience. Then, Naam mantra and meditation are not required. At that time, you will find that ‘I am Brahman’ is even also a concept. It is very direct simple knowledge. It has become complicated by various sides. It is a direct approach. Therefore, the brief or the summary of the spirituality is: except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no master. That reality, you are to accept it. That Ultimate Truth, you are to accept it. For which you have to hammer with the Naam mantra ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am.’ And I told that the spirit within this body is very sensitive. What you impress, it reflects. You are impressing, you are always hammering “Yes I am Brahman, I am Brahman, I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. And see the fun! That reality will be open with you. I am giving 100 percent guarantee. Really, I am giving 100 percent guarantee. Nobody will guarantee but I am 100 percent. Only you are to sacrifice, you are to devote some time for you. And then result will be there. I am not doing any miracles; miracles happen within You. But you are to be very serious regarding meditation. “Oh, I go this master, then that master then that master”: there should not be confusion, there should not be wavering mind. If you have thousands of masters, meaningless. Why to leave? Because Master is formless, just like sky or space. If you go to India, you go to China, to Japan, space is one. What you will do? If you are not getting happiness in India, you will not get happiness in Japan or China or England or anywhere else. Find out. Try to identify yourself. Thinking part is given to you. In the light of all these statements, you try to identify yourself, where do I stand? I have been told that I am Brahman, how can I be Brahman? Question yourself. You will get instant answer. Have dialogue with your Selfless Self. Be with you all the time. Not to neglect your body, not to neglect your duties. Live your routine life. Enjoy it. Be with the society. If you are businessman, do your business very nicely. You can be with family responsibilities. “Oh, I am Brahman, I am spiritual man! How can I concentrate my family”- not like that. To quit the society, to quit family life is not spirituality. Remain in family. Remain in society and try to identify yourself. Not to run out from this battlefield. Faith: “Yes ok! I can do it!” Have some courage, spiritual courage, not egoistic courage. All these saintly people faced a lot of problems. A lot of problem but nothing then again then. I have said that Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj, Siddharameshwar Maharaj faced a lot of problem in their life, physical problems, mental problems. But they are having strong faith in their Master: “Yes! My Master says that I am Ultimate Truth, then I am Master, Ultimate Truth.” With the result, there will not be any importance given to any concept.
Therefore, Nisargadatta Maharaj said “Not to come across with such elements which will distract you from the reality.” “Such elements” means what? The elements are trying to confuse you. Now I told you that you are Ultimate Truth, then somebody says “no, no, you are not Ultimate Truth. Brahman is separate from you, and something and something else”. They are trying to confuse you. Convince yourself! “Yes! My Master says that I am Brahman, so I am Brahman, I am Ultimate, I am Ultimate Truth. Not to listen from anybody else. Then confusion starts and again you will come down. You must have strong will power, you must have sacrificing nature: “Yes, my Master says I am Brahman, so I am Brahman.” Brahman is called Ultimate Truth, final truth, where there is no experience, no experiencer, no witness, no witnesser, no identification also. It is Unidentified Identity. Unidentified, invisible, anonymous identity. Simple thing. Prior to beingness, do you know anything? Nothing. After leaving body, know anything? Nothing. What is the purpose, the use of all these things? Convince yourself: this is illusionary world, just like a dream world. Every day you see different, different, different dreams. Are you taking ego “Oh! I studied the image like this, therefore yesterday…?” Are you planning “Oh! Today I will see this dream, tomorrow that dream?” It appears spontaneously. What happened to those dream people, the good people, the bad people? Think seriously, even intellectually, and try to convince yourself. Your Self-conviction is most important. Your self- conviction is most important.
Process of thinking is there, clue is given to you, Master has given you various clues. You are to accept it, you are to think seriously, yes. Something is there, it is fact that I am not body, it is fact. How long you can you protect this body? This is a dead body. Who is acting from that body? Who is listening from the body? Who is enjoying this body knowledge? That invisible presence called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, master that you are. It is formless, where there is no fate, no rebirth, no past, no birth, no future birth? God is not having any birth, God means Ultimate Truth. It only requires strong confidence, strong faith within you and your master. If you have got a wavering mind: today here and then this master, that master, changing master, it is like changing wives. What happiness you will get? Nothing. One place to another and then one place to another place. There should not be any prostitution mentality. You may feel that this is a bad word, but it is like that. Be loyal with yourself. After knowing the reality, what is there? Why to go here and there? Time is very short: each and every moment in your life is most important. Only lack of spiritual confidence is there. It is open truth! Nothing hidden is there. Accept it: “Yes! I am That!”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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