Aatmaanatmavivek – Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 106*

We have been told, we will be happy when we find (external)God. Do we know, how exactly the God we are looking for is? We waste whole life but can’t find Him. You will find Him(outside you) if He exists at all, right? We have been told God is somewhere in the skies. He is controlling everything. He is punishing the sinners and rewarding the do gooders. There are other stories such as, there is Yama(god of death), there is Chitragupta(god who maintains account of good and bad deeds of each person), so many such stories have been impressed on us! It is only Sadguru who goes beyond all this and tells you that one who is finding God, himself is God!!!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 10, page 99*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 107*

…the finder himself is God! But we do not realise! why? Because of years of influence(conditioning) of body based knowledge(body-knowledge). We have read many spiritual books. We have read Vedas and Upanishadas. We seem to have lot of theoretical knowledge. We have become full of words, which breeds this confusion, and therefore no conclusion is possible. For dissolving all this body based knowledge, Master has given a simple _yukti_(spiritual trick). Through this _Maha_(Great) _Mantra_, we can make that God appear within us, this the trick given by the Master. Through the sacred trio of Meditation, Bhajans and Knowledge you can truly know God! But alas, even after meeting a true Master, we do not realise His importance. Nobody has time(for Spirituality)! Not a single person comes for morning Bhajans!! We don’t need any of these as(if) we have become Jnanis!!! Why this happens? Master’s true worth is not understood. Look at foreigners, they are devoting years and years for this search. We need to learn from them.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 10, page 99*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 108*

It’s the western devotees who understand the tremendous importance of the Master’s immense hardships and sacrifices! We Indians do not seem to realize it’s value. Only when something goes wrong in our life we remember the Master and then run to him for resolution. Once the problem is resolved we forget Him. As they say, too much familiarity breeds contempt! That’s what happens to us. Therefore I keep shouting, telling everyone to be alert(attentive). But no one cares!So when will everyone truly wake up? When we are faced with (fear of)death! Then we will start repenting – ‘Oh, I should have done something in my life!’ This is the influence of Maya(illusory forces).

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 10, page 99*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 109*

To find God, we have been given a very simple _sadhana_ by the Master. Meditate, for that a Mantra has been given. With continuous meditation on the Mantra, the Spirit which is already the Paramatman automatically merges with the Selfless Self. Then, you become totally fearless. You get the courage to face any calamity. It is so powerful. Also, Master asks you to regularly practice the Bhajans. But we say, we don’t have the time. Before meeting the Master we used to do so many rituals, used to travel to holy places! We need to understand the importance of Master’s words. We don’t give it that much importance that’s why we don’t progress. We practice devotion, but inside we are dry. Master has instructed us to do all four bhajans regularly. This(human body) is a great opportunity, an opportunity to realise ourselves, we need to understand its tremendous importance.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 10, page 100*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 110*

Meditation is the foundation of Spirituality. What is Knowledge? Knowledge is to know oneself in a real sense. How? You can’t hold on to body-knowledge and yet know yourself in a real sense. It will be possible only by discarding the the body-identity. And to actually be able to internalize this Knowledge, Meditation is very important. What is Meditation? The Spirit is very sensitive and it reflects(absorbs) what we impress on it. Considering this quality of the Spirit, through continuous hammering of Naam Mantra, it merges with Selfless Self which is its true identity. This is how we truly know ourselves. This is how Knowledge given by the Master is internalized. This is how we come to know our true identity of God, Paramatman, Brahman, Master. The door to Self Knowledge is opened. To be able to absorb this Knowledge, devotion(Bhakti) through the Bhajans is extremely important. Saint Tukaram, Saint Dnyaneshwar would go walking to Pandharpur to take Darshana of Lord Vitthala. They were not insane. Ranjit Maharaj went to Bagewadi even at the last moment of His life, was He not a Jnani? Nisargadatta Maharaj was doing Bhajans and imparting Knowledge till the last moment. How about us? We don’t take this devotion to heart and therefore we are still struggling.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, Chapter 10, Page 100*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 115*

The sense of individuality has to be erased. The Power, the Godliness is already there in everyone. To invoke that(godliness, power) the saints become strict and sometimes they even get angry. Ranjit Maharaj used to say, “If you do not come to Bagewadi(to attend the regular Spiritual functions) you are not my disciples!!”. Why He needed to be angry? It was so that the devotees practice devotion and refresh their Spiritual memories(through the means of these functions or spiritual gatherings). It was like a loving mother scolding her kid(for his own good).
The purpose is – Through Knowledge, through practice, the disciple should awaken and merge with the Selfless Self!! Then the external attractions would not affect him. But I feel so sad that no one even attends the morning Meditation session which we have started. Not a single soul comes, I myself sit for reading. I am not criticising anyone, but then how will you come out of this ignorance which has completely wrapped us up? We need to come out of this ignorance.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, Chapter 10, Page 104*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 116*

This Pure Knowledge which the Master gives, should awaken you and not hypnotize you! This is a never again opportunity. The body is temporary. We don’t know what the next moment will bring. Therefore, utilise each moment to strengthen your devotion towards the Guru. For which, utmost intensity and earnestness is most necessary. Dry Spirituality is totally useless! It’s just theoretical knowledge. You will collect many words but it won’t give you what you truly want. By collecting these words you may become a Master of words(theory), but you will miss the point. Our Masters have given us very simple knowledge(and devotion), not to complicate. Look within and identify, who walks, who talks, who witnesses the mind and everything, inside us. Master has given the mirror of Knowledge, look inside.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, Chapter 10, Page 102*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 117*

Material happiness is always for a (material)cause(such as money, fame, sex etc.). But True Happiness is causeless. It is Self-manifested. It is to be experienced by each on their own. For this one has to be totally loyal to the Master. One who has devoted his entire life to the Master, for him nothing is impossible. But our Spirituality is selfish! We remember Sadguru only when there is some (material)difficulty! Once difficulty is solved we forget Him. This has been our tradition!! This is a flaw in the human being. We need to identify our own flaws(and remove them). It’s very easy to find faults with others but we should identify our own imperfections.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 10, page 106*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 118*

We always sing our own song, and hide our flaws. We know flaws in others. I am far better than him. Whatever is mine is good. Isn’t it? This is human tendency. Every one needs to think about oneself in an alert and attentive manner. This(human birth) is a great opportunity and we must benefit from it. The one who has understood this will go beyond time, the one who hasn’t will have to dance to its tunes. To avoid this, bhajans are needed all three times. We don’t know when Maya will possess us. Many temptations are there.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 10, page 106*
*Translated by – Gurucharanraj Rahul*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 119*

As the _sadhaka_(aspirant) or devotee draws closer and closer to his Selfless Self, he is faced with many many attractions or temptations. And these attractions are so enamouring that the _sadhaka_ gets lost in their flow without him realising it. Therefore a _sadhaka_ must always be alert. Why has Bhausaheb Maharaj instructed to do all the four bhajans? So that you are continuously alert. You do your day to day duties but alertness should be there because the _kal_ (daemon of time) is always waiting to attack! It happens in our Konkan region, when none is around the foxes very easily catch the cocks! Similarly, the daemon of _kal_ will attack you at an opportune moment when you are not alert! If you are alert then it can’t do anything to you. That’s why the Bhajans are there.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, Chapter 10, Page 106*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj Rahul*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 120*

Meditate, do Bhajans, for Knowledge to reveal itself. Everyone, as per Guru’s instructions, Guru’s words, should become one with Selfless Self, by identifying the Unmanifest Knowledge which is already inside you. You are already one. But, how am I one with Selfless Self? This is to be identified. The one who does this for him there won’t be any dirth of anything at all! This unlimited ocean of happiness is inside us, just that we don’t know!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 10, page 107*
*Translated by – Gurucharanraj*

It is Unidentified Identity

*Swatmabodh – 121*

The lake of nectar is inside everybody, but we are unaware. We think nectar is somewhere outside. The musk-deer has the fragrance of musk coming from its own navel, but the deer is unaware, it runs helter-skelter searching for the source, similarly we are also running here and there searching for God. To find god, you are doing austerities, visiting holy places, doing all kinds of worships. Here you don’t need to do anything, it’s readymade, but we need to identify, need to know ourselves. Know yourself to realize yourself. This is the great message of this chapter of Dasbodh. Everyone should remember this message. This _Nirupana_ (discourse) is not to criticise anyone. I repeat, this criticism is not personal. It’s an attack on the body-knowledge. To realize your Selfless Self, it’s absolutely necessary to dissolve all body-knowledge, this is an effort in that direction. It’s everyone’s own responsibility to truly know themselves.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 10, page 107*
*Translation by Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per Sadguru’s teachings

*Swatmabodh – 122*

Nothing can happen if there is no Spirit within us. We may brag a lot but nothing can happen without the Spirit. I do this, I do that, what can you do? Nothing! If there is no Spirit, you cannot do even the smallest little thing! We walk, we talk, we do so many things, it’s because of the Spirit only. How do we worship this Spirit? How do we become one with it? We have separated ourselves from it! Because of the body, we think our Selfless Self, body and Spirit as one and the same! And therefore, whatever you may do, but the attachment or attraction for the body does not seem to dissolve.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 109*
*Translated by – Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself As Per Master’s Teachings

*Swatmabodh – 123*

Long association with the body, breeds a lot of love(and attachment) for the body, in all living beings. There is a lot of attachment. We are very sensitive to the slightest irritation ! Knowingly or unknowingly, the bodily functions of mind, ego, intellect have deeply affected us. We have become one with the body, so much so that we are certain that we are this body ! And this is where we have made a mistake. In reality, you were never the body, you are not the body now, and you will never be the body. Its a fact ! Because of the combination of Spirit and body, we have the feeling of being something(being a creature). The reason this is being talked about at length is we need to know ourselves in a real sense. Why do we need to know ourselves? This is because innumerable concepts such as good deeds-bad deeds, hell-heaven, etc. have been imposed on us and we are accepting and flowing with them. We never have thought going beyond or out of this vicious cycle, what is my reality? Who am I really?

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 109*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself As Per Master’s Teachings

*Swatmabodh – 124*

I see this world. I see myself as a man or woman. I am going through many experiences of desire, anger, jealousy, arrogance etc as per _triguna_(three attributes). There is struggle. There is mental imbalance. There is a kind of depression every moment. What exactly is all this? We don’t search for it ! We have heard the Master’s words, but we need to look for them within ourselves by being introvert. Why we need to search? It is to attain the happiness and peace for which all of us are struggling. How will that happen? For that we need to know where we are going. Be introvert and look within, the body-sense(conceptual existence) will automatically dissolve, and then you will know I am not the body, the body is external clothing.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 110*
*Translation by Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself As Per Master’s Teachings

*Swatmabodh – 125*

Live your worldly life, it is necessary. The duties and responsibilities which come with the body cannot be avoided, even while attending to them it is absolutely necessary to understand what is the Ultimate Truth. In today’s fast-paced life, everyone is running helter-skelter (aimlessly or purposelessly). In spite of being _sadhaka_(aspirant) and have been initiated, this mind is in deep pain from moment to moment. It brings up old and not so old memories and we are perturbed ! Why are we perturbed, this everyone has to understand. We see dreams, they are untrue. Past is a concept, future a dream, present is what we have. Attend to the present moment. Ignore what future may bring and what happened in the past.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 111*
*Translation by Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself As Per Master’s Teachings

*Swatmabodh – 126*

The reason behind our depression or unhappiness is inside us. Thoughts are flowing in the mind, that’s ok. Whatever has happened in the past, forget it! What causes remembrance(of the past) in the body? I am speaking, you are listening, the analysis(of my words) is happening within you, who is doing it? Such deep introspection and discrimination should happen. What is the importance of these talks(_nirupanas_)? Don’t just listen and forget! Who is living in this world? We are experiencing so many things. Who is seeing(experiencing) these? Who is the seer? We need to introspect, who is seeing the ‘seeing’ ! It sounds a little difficult. But it is necessary. Then only can we know the reason behind our depression or (mental) imbalance.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 111*
*Translation by Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself As Per Master’s Teachings

*Swatmabodh – 127*

Blinkers are put on horse’s eyes, so that it can focus on looking ahead and moving ahead. If it is able to look in all directions, then it will run everywhere. Similarly, a true devotee focuses on his devotion to the Master (Gurubhakti) singlemindedly. Nisargadatta Maharaj gives another beautiful analogy. When a mother takes her child to (say) an exhibition, she instructs him to hold her finger firmly. She tells – you can look everywhere but don’t leave my hand. Because if you leave you may be lost. Similarly we are living in this world where there are so many temptations, concepts of happiness-unhappiness but Master has given this finger of his words that “Except your Selfless Self there is no other God, Atman, Paramatman!”. After you ascertain this for yourself, hold the finger(of Master’s words) tightly and then do all else. Then you can live in this world, just don’t leave His(of Master’s words) finger!!!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 113*
*Translation by Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself as per the Teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 128*

We are in the body as a man or woman, so behave accordingly and attend to your duties. But I have nothing to do with the body, I had nothing to do with the body and I will not have anything to do with the body, this should be ascertained ! How was the world created? What is the power that moves the world? This everyone has to identify for themselves. The one who recognises this is free from all bondages and the one who does not has to suffer the happiness-unhappiness in this world.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 113*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself as per the Teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 129*

Knowledge given by Master is understood (intellectually), but to dissolve the unstable mind, our _Sampradaya_ (lineage) emphasises on Meditation. Meditation is extremely important but we don’t understand its importance. As a _sadhaka_ (aspirant) meditate as much as possible. Spend at least an hour or two on Meditation. We say, I am unable to focus (concentrate) ! Everyone complains. They come to me saying we are unable to concentrate, many thoughts are flowing. (I say) Let the thoughts come, why worry? It’s natural for thoughts to flow. I give an example, If you are digging a well, you are bound to come across mud and rocks, stones, pebbles etc. You won’t get water immediately, you will have to try hard. Only after removing all mud and stones etc, then water will be found. Similarly, there are many impressions on our mind which we are carrying, they will slowly and silently dissolve, with Meditation.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 113*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself as per the Teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 130*

Meditation never goes waste, but you should be ready to do it. It is similar to when we pour water on ground initially it will be absorbed by the ground and then it will flow. Make your mind quiet through meditation, actually mind does not have any existence of its own. Mind means flow of thoughts. To reduce the influence of these flowing thoughts, Meditation is absolutely necessary. I say the same thing to students also. Meditation is needed for students of all ages and now it has been proven scientifically as well. Meditation does not only quieten the mind but also cures many incurable diseases of the body. It is so powerful, but we must do it !

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 114*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself as per the Teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 132*

Devotion is not just about doing Bhajans, putting garlands or pressing Master’s legs ! This is not Gurubhakti(devotion to the Guru). But, to live your day to day life exactly as per His teachings is what is needed. Who witnesses the body-mind? Who speaks through the body? Who moves? Surrender to That (Power), that’s all! Then, That feeling cannot be described in words. It’s an experience beyond all experiences !

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 114*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change Yourself as per the Teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 133*

Let’s say the Spirit left the body and you didn’t wake up in the morning. What is the value of this body? Nothing, not even zero! Then even the nearest person would say it’s time to take away (the body), it’s been four-five hours, let’s go! So, what gives the value to this body? It’s the Spirit and it’s independent for each one ! Once you know this, whatever your miseries, anxiety, etc. automatically vanish.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 115*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 134*

Whatever happened, happened for the best, this should be your stand ! The one who has this total conviction is a Jnani. Devotion should not be blind. There should be no expectations whatsoever. Maharaj will do something, he will perform some miracle, it’s not like that. But he stands behind you in any calamity which may come your way. You must have experienced. He loves you and is compassionate to you in all circumstances. You need not worry, Master is always there for you! Whatever problems come, they automatically dissolve. But when this will happen? When you embrace the Sadguru’s teachings, but unfortunately we have embraced this body identity.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 115*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 135*

To experience the inner bliss, joy, one should wholeheartedly immerse oneself into Meditation. (Say to yourself) Even if I am unable to concentrate still I will sit for half an hour at least. And, for whom do you do all this? Not for the Master, but for your own self. We have take full advantage of this great opportunity. Not as some delusory concept but to make this life tolerable, to dissolve the mind, ego and intellect and the pain caused by them. Then one is natural(and spontaneous), he doesn’t struggle with the others. OK! You are bigger than me! How to act in what situation, these instructions flow automatically from within for a devotee of Sadguru.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 116*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 136*

The Power without which nothing can move, such Power is in everybody. But, we are lacking some where which we need to pay attention to. In spite of the Master cautioning us, we fall for the temptations! Our attention is towards the worldly, not to the power beyond it! That’s why it’s said, ‘Attend to the the one beyond attention and see the Reality’. ‘Who can logically understand the One beyond all logic?’ This is beyond all logic, but we are so caught up in the body-form that we don’t come out of it. Here, we should be stubborn! Why I am not able to do it? What is lacking in me? What all these saints did? They transformed themselves as per the words of the Guru. We say ‘Rajadhiraj Sadgurunath’, this Power is in everyone, this can happen to you too, but we don’t look at ourselves that seriously! We are casual, thinking it’s enough to just listen to the discourse and leave it at that!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 116*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 137*

It is very important that, using discrimination we identify our true self(Selfless Self), and become one with it. That power is present in everyone. Devotion has great power in it but it has to be done with oneness. Therefore, to build strong spiritual foundation, meditation is extremely important. Confluence of Meditation, bhajans and Knowledge is required. The one who has these basics sorted out, for him the road ahead is not difficult. First, the foundation has to be strong ! We try to build a big building hurriedly. If the foundations are not strong the building is bound to collapse. So foundations have to be strong. Bhausaheb Maharaj meditated for fourteen hours daily. Siddharameshwar Maharaj also meditated. Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj also meditated. Then they gave the Knowledge. This is devotion after Knowledge.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 117*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 138*

Some say – Maharaj, we are Jnanis now, why do we need Devotion? This is pride, I am Jnani, I understand I am Atman, Paramatman. This is not a sign of realisation, this is also subtlest of subtle pride! Siddharameshwar Maharaj once said in his _nirupana_(discourse), I need to step down a couple of steps for you! It means, I need to take ego that I am Master and you are disciples for the purpose of the _nirupana_! In reality, neither are you a disciple, nor am I a Master!! Just like sky, sky in America is not different from the sky in India. They are just the names given, the principle within the Guru, and the disciple is the same. It’s not separate, but it is necessary to tell this.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 117*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 139*

Master tells us that there is no difference between you and me, but we are not able to trust this doubtlessly. To be able to be certain about it, meditation is necessary. There should be confluence of meditation, devotion and knowledge, and it must be practiced doggedly. You can do everything else, don’t leave anything lacking in your worldly life. If you are a student, do your studies but at the same time ascertain your true identity. When this kind of oneness is accomplished, then only it will be true Spirituality. Otherwise, I did bhajans, went to Maharaj and bowed down to him many times, it’s useless! That doesn’t help, bow down to yourself(your Selfless Self). This spiritual trick is given by Maharaj. It is called devotion without otherness. There is no otherness there, so it becomes spontaneous. No concepts of birth and death, no coming and going! How is the Paramatma? It doesn’t come and go anywhere, there is no attribute, no need of the four liberations!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 118*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 140*

All _shastras_ are meant for the body-identity. Prior to experience of the body (prior to birth) was there anything? Mind, intellect, ego, trigunas, five elements, Guru-disciple, God, sacred books did we know any of these? Hundred years back there was no trace of any of these. Hundred years later what will happen, we don’t know. Since we started knowing ourselves in the body form i.e. in this period from the beginning of knowingness to the end of it, whatever we have heard, read, have been told, we are trying to live based on that. But, our Guru Mauli(mother) has given us Knowledge which is beyond all of this. What has the Guru told? (Guru says) “Why do you ask about that which never even happened”. You are not even born, then why all this? This Ultimate Truth, we should know. You won’t get to hear this Knowledge anywhere else, keep it in mind!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 118*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 141*

Knowledge is told “from the beginning of knowingness to the end of it”, that’s it! From the moment we started experiencing the body till this experience lasts, how I was a teenager, youth, how I became old, it’s all about _trigunas_(the three gunas or attributes of sattva, raja and tama). Lot of knowledge is there. But what is your place (in all this)? It’s beyond knowledge. There is neither knowledge nor ignorance, neither _gunas_ nor _Nirguna_(without the gunas). Nothing is there and where there is nothing, you are! To engrave this subtle knowledge there should be oneness. Total faith in the Master’s words should be there – there is nothing beyond what my Master has told! There should be no dilemma there.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 119*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 142*

Worship of form is okay in the beginning. “Because it’s difficult to grasp the formless, form based worship is needed.” But now Maharaj has given you Knowledge far beyond all this. It’s PhD level Knowledge, isn’t it? Now why go back to primary school! Don’t be a slave to sentiments. Spirituality is not to be followed because someone else asks you to. Whatever you are convinced about, you should do. Don’t flow away with something because someone else asks you to. Many superstitious concepts are still present in the society. Don’t fall for those. Here, you should have total conviction. Don’t have a stand that, this happened as a result of that, to happenings in your life. Nothing happens as a result of something, because, nothing has happened at all!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 120*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

Change yourself as per the teachings of the Master

*Swatmabodh – 143*

“No one talks about the God from whom all three worlds were created.” Such God resides within you, in spite of residing within you He is beyond the body. Therefore, without embracing the body we need to know the Reality beyond the body… Use discrimination, this is Knowledge beyond all imagination, the importance of which you may not understand now, but with time you will understand it. This Knowledge is beyond consciousness or mind! Devotion should be with oneness, no separation should be there! Devotion is for your own happiness, not to satisfy the Master! Why the Master has gone through so many hardships without caring about His own body? We need to prove ourselves, worthy of His Grace. In reality we cannot but, even if we accept the Knowledge He has given in a matured way and conduct ourselves accordingly, there will be no dearth of anything for us in this world. No calamity will be able to affect you. Such unwavering faith should be there. Therefore, initially the sacred confluence of Knowledge, Devotion and Meditation should be practiced.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 11, page 121*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 144*

Dasbodh – Dashak 16, Samaas 8, Aatmaram Nirupan

We bow to Lord Ganesha, with whose inspiration (and blessings), we praise the Atma (in Bhajans).

This very meaningful (Sanskrit shloka), we sing everyday but we don’t know the meaning which is – “Beyond duality, like the sky, You are That! One, eternal, Totally pure and unmoving, The witness of all (You are That)” Who is the One who witnesses all? It is the Anonymous, Spontaneous Spirit which is called Atman-Paramatman, many names are there! Words can point to That but words are not That! It is beyond words. This language, it’s use, the use of the body, use of five elements, use of trigunas should be as required! While living the day to day life we should do the right things at right time. This timeliness is very important.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12 page 125*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 145*

With the stance of ‘I am so and so (somebody or something)’ we are needlessly trying to help the world, or we are worried about the world! It’s a complete waste! Here, one has to think about _oneself_ through _oneself_. We have to use our own discrimination. It is called ‘Aatmanivedan Bhakti’ (talking to one’s selfless self – asking questions and receiving answers from within)! We have to talk to ourselves and identify ourselves. How? As per Master’s teachings. Don’t get carried away with the body-based language. We should use the language, as required. Through the language we have to identify ourselves because we have forgotten our identity.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12 page 126*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 146*

We have forgotten our true identity. We hear the _nirupan_(discourse), we follow _shravanbhakti_ (devotion through listening), we do everything (possible). But our conviction (of the Guru’s teachings) is not total. To make the conviction rock solid in the Selfless Self, the path of Spirituality and scriptures is required. Once the conviction in the Selfless Self is established then you do not need anything. All the (lineage based) rules do not exist because there are no restrictions to the Selfless Self. Your true self is like the sky, as said in an abhanga (“the true nature of the paramatman is like the sky”) then can there be any restrictions? We listen a lot but still conviction is lacking. For this conviction, Spirituality is needed.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12 page 126*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 147*

Prior to beingness, we didn’t know (that we exist), now we know. With the body came livingness (life). When we hadn’t come across the body, what was there ? Nothing was there. When there was no _kaya_ (body), there was no _Maya_! There was no Brahma, no God, nothing was there. With the body came all these concepts. This needs to be identified as mentioned in this _abhanga_ which we sing everyday – “Identify the Reality, (by) abandoning all concepts!”. The focal point of anyone’s Knowledge of Self or all the Knowledge is the knowledge ‘I am’, or ‘As if I am’. The one who says ‘As if I am’, whole universe is based on Him. We need to know the Knower of this Knowingness, or ‘I am’ ! The words are likeable. But sometimes, words may be a little difficult to digest, but to clarify the stand they are needed.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12 page 126*
*Translation by – Gurucharanraj*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 148*

I am neither man nor woman, neither young nor old, I do not belong to any caste or religion, with such expansive attitude one should conduct oneself in day to day life! The one who says, “I see no other(ness) in anybody”, How does he see himself? My presence is in everyone! “Janabai says – I realize that Lord Krishna(Selfless Self) is present (everywhere) even in the smallest atom”. If I am within everyone, then how can I despise anyone? Why should I find faults with others? Always concerned with others, we are carrying burden of everyone! But as it is said – first put your own house in order, you are not able to take care of your own house, and why are you worried about others?

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12 page 126*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 149*

We do not think about our own selves. Instead, for no reason we are concerned with others. We are all the time thinking what the other should do. Because of this we have lost our peace. We are the cause of our own lack of peace. Therefore as Ranjit Maharaj repeated so often – use your discrimination. While searching for the Self, the searcher himself becomes the search. You see the seen, but why don’t you see the seer in the seeing! We see the world, the people but without the presence of the seer, what value does it have? Identify the ‘I’ because of whose presence we see everything. That itself is called the God, Master, Ishwara. Here, the conviction should be total. After all what is Spirituality – it is to have conviction.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12, page 127*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 150*

There should be total transformation based on Guru’s words. But, why does it not happen? What is so difficult about it? It’s the same Spirit in all of us which is there in all the saints, no difference whatsoever. But, what did they do? They accepted the _sadguru-vachan _(Master’s words or teachings) totally, which we don’t do, and therefore we are unhappy. All these saints have transformed themselves totally as per _sadguru-vachan_ (Master’s words or teachings). But, somewhere we are lacking here. Our ‘sense of superiority’ (over others) doesn’t dissolve, as much as we may try! (Our) body-knowledge doesn’t dissolve and our true identity of Selfless Self does not emerge! It is said – “When we hear Master’s discourse our intellect is purified, but once we leave the venue, we forget everything”. Now at least think about it. This opportunity won’t come again. Each moment of life is precious. Inspite of repeating this again and again, we don’t realize it’s importance! This Knowledge is very rare, with our great fortune it has come to us.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12, page 127*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 151*

In the entire Dasbodh, Swami Ramdas has very carefully considered and put across every subtle thought (or point) relevant to human life. Why has Siddharameshwar Maharaj persuasively said that, each aspirant (seeker) should read at least one chapter from Dasbodh everyday? Because there should be consistency in Spirituality. Ranjit Maharaj would say, if you were admitted to school but you never again went (to school), what’s the use? Our spirituality is somewhat like this! Daily we hear (the Master) but there is no change in us. Years and years have gone, but there is no change in us! We need to think about it seriously.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12, page 128*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 152*

The one who shows you Reality is called Sadguru! All eight _siddhis_ (spiritual powers) serve at his holy feet (with promptness)! Sadguru always reminds – you are not the body, you are God, you are Paramatman! Meditate, do Bhajans, study Knowledge, all the time be in touch with the Selfless Self! Eventhough, Spirit is born in this body-form, you are not the body! So we have to alert ourselves, not to be stuck in the vicious cycle of concepts! The aspirant should not have pride, jealousy, hatred, arrogance! There should be humility! Surrender your pride at the Guru’s holy feet!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 153*

We never think about the meaning of the bhajans. We sing them as a lineage tradition. But the bhajans have great meaning in them. Gurudev Ranade has compiled these at the house of Bhausaheb Maharaj (under his guidance). These daily bhajans, each of them has great hidden meaning. The main purpose of elaborating on this is that whatever mentioned in Dasbodh or the indisputably true words of our Masters (Siddharameshwar Maharaj, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and Ranjit Maharaj), should be accepted as it is! Tell yourself- you are not the body, you are neither born nor will die! The thirty three crore gods are the light emanating from within your Selfless Self!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12, page 130*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 154*

We are not ready to renounce this body-identity. Master reminds all the time that you are God, Paramatman, you are not the body. Yet we carry this attachment with the body! Therefore use your discrimination, there should be conviction. The fact is that this body is perishable and will go away eventually. You need to accept this fact. As much as we may want the body to survive yet it will vanish one fine day! Willingly or unwillingly everyone has to leave the body. When will you accept this fact? If you transform yourself as per Master’s teachings then you can face this reality fearlessly. Because then you are certain that I will not die with the body. To have this firm conviction, practice is extremely needed.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12, page 131*

You are the cause of your own Spiritual debacle!

*Swatmabodh – 157*

‘Drop your pride at the feet of the Master’, the pride in us has to go away. Nisargadatta Maharaj would always say – ‘do not hurt anyone, don’t think that anyone is inferior(to you)’. We can not say what is the worth of a person. Even a person who is considered by all to be rather an amateur may have great faith and understanding. Always speak humbly, humility should be there. The _sadhaka_ should not have pride, jealousy, hatred. These are our enemies, these are great enemies in spirituality. My presence is in everybody! The bodily coverings are separate, but the spirit which animates(the body), speaks, listens is unborn. The Ashram, house, bungalow, hut, toilet these names are different but the sky contained in all of them is (one) sky only! We need to identify this (way), then the imaginary walls will vanish. And you will be all the time immersed in joy. For this Spirituality is needed, there should be alertness and mainly don’t carry any hatred-jealousy for anyone. If we observe this precept then Spirituality is not difficult.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 12, page 132*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 158*

We consider ourselves to be a human being who is a sinner or virtuous person. What has Master told you ‘Know that you yourself are the Paramatman!’ but (unfortunately) our experience is different! Why? Because we are not ready to forsake our body identity. Guru is God of Gods, His worth is truly great. But we have framed Him within the circle of our body based concepts and therefore we are unable to understand His greatness. We think He is a body just like us! This is where we go wrong.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 133*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 160*

We are one (with the Master), yet we behave as if we are separate! The saints have told us what our reality is. What is our reality? There is only the Knowledge of ‘am’ness (I am) – simple and absolute Knowledge! That Knowledge has been covered with countless concepts, which has to be uncovered. What is it that we want to achieve in life? What really is Spirituality? What is to be achieved? This has to be understood with discrimination. I am born as a human being in this world and with great fortune have met the Sadguru. He has given us the address of the Pramatman! What has he told? You are searching elsewhere, don’t search, be where you are. Here there is no journey, you are already at the destination! Just do not imagine(entertain any concepts).

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 134*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 161*

Ramdas Swami says “we may try to conceptualise the Reality, but still by nature it is beyond concepts. There is no concept there, instead there is only formlessness.” Our true form is without any concepts, it is natural, it is spontaneous. Here only one thing is needed – transform yourself totally as per the Master’s teachings. There should be no trace of body-based knowledge within. We act normally in the worldly life but I am not that person who acts! One should face the reality. We have doubts such as, now Maharaj has left the body, He is no more among us, but that’s not true. Maharaj is there, that’s why He protects us. He is within everybody!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 134*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 164*

“Guru’s idol or image is the origin of Meditation, Guru’s holy feet is the origin of worship, Guru’s word is the origin of Mantra, and the origin of liberation is Guru’s Grace”. See, how much is the power of the Guru! And (unfortunately) we think of Him as a person(_vyakti_)! The disciple should have such a feeling about the Master, that all the thirty three crore gods are nothing in front of my Master. The greatness of the Master is immeasurable! One who has such (immense) faith only, realises his true identity of Paramatman.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 135*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 165*

Half-hearted Spirituality is not of any use. Only singing bhajans is not useful. Only theoretical knowledge is also not beneficial. Words is a medium, one must experience the meaning(spirit) behind words. Spirituality – means in Spirit! Experience that. For that one must have total faith that ‘I am not the body’, and it’s a fact. If there is no renunciation within, only theoretical knowledge is useless. Renunciation doesn’t mean leaving your job, worldly life, wife and kids, it’s not that. In our lineage it’s never been taught(by the Masters) to leave worldly life.
Bhausaheb Maharaj, Siddharameshwar Maharaj, Nisargadatta Maharaj have lived their worldly life too(along with the spiritual life). Some saints did not marry, but having a body itself is having a worldly life! Not getting married doesn’t mean no worldly responsibilities! We need to know the reality.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 135*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 166*

We are born as human beings, so it’s necessary to perform our duties (that came with the body). With great fortune and _punyai_ (good deeds) we have met such Masters, but we do not fully utilise the knowledge given by them. Still we think I am something – ‘I am a mortal _jiva_(living being)’! I am going to die, I am going to be born, we are lost in these concepts.. It’s need of the hour to discriminate. Whatever Master has told one needs to look at it with open eyes.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 136*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 167*

Somewhere we need to break through the superstitious thinking (coming out of traditions). Do not accept anything blindly. You must examine the knowledge the way you double check the currency notes received. I tell people – do not nod your heads just because I am saying something! Look at it closely, think it out, understand. Initially when we would go to Nisargadatta Maharaj, we did not understand much. With persistent listening the Reality was impressed, it’s not difficult. The spirit in these saints and the spirit in you is the same. Forms are different, clothings (bodies) are different.
“Identify the Reality, drop imagination, do not take the wrong path, in a hurry”
Self-conviction should be strong!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 137*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 168*

The aspirant who has firm determination for him Spiritual Knowledge is not difficult. Follow simple and innocent devotion without any doubt. ‘There is none greater than my Master’, there is nothing beyond this. I know the secret now, I am the one (god) I am looking for! You have been searching for an address, now you found, right? Now why you need the address? Tear it off, now you have reached the destination, isn’t it? But somehow we are unable to digest this Spiritual Knowledge. What happens? We are unable to accept it, because of bondages of Maya! You feel bored, you become lazy, Maya doesn’t allow you to listen because then her (Maya) importance will be reduced.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 137*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 169*

The _shravanbhakti_ (listening-devotion or devotion through listening) is very important. Detachment (from material objects) should be there, ‘the one who has suffered the three different types of sufferings is ready for spirituality’. Maharaj gave the _nirupan_, I listened and went home and forgot about it. It should not be like that. This is a great opportunity, the human birth is rare! Shastras say, we have got human birth after eighty-four lac _yonis_(births). We don’t want to queue up again for the same! We have met these saints and we should live with that identity. Which identity? The identity of Paramatma. There is no bondage of birth and death for you. Therefore there is no question of liberation. ‘In spite of being a _Guruputra_ (Guru’s disciple referred here as son) why are you still deluded, why are you worried still’. Do something, each moment of life is important. If you let go this opportunity we may not get it again. Live the worldly life, but you should remember the Master and His words.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 138*

*Swatmabodh – 170*

Who am I? This body which I can see is me or what I can feel (mind-knowingness-consciousness-soul) is me? The knower(pure consciousness-Paramatma) of knowingness in this body is me. Body does not last forever, it is worthless! One may be earning billions of rupees but can he take that money with him at the last moment? It’s been said that body is extremely dirty (impure) but the one who is within the body is extremely pure. But we don’t accept this as there is no conviction. We try, but our body-consciousness is not ready to leave us. We lack in faith somewhere. Make full use of this great opportunity. We have got the human birth, also we have met the Master. There is nothing beyond what Master has told. These saints have showered their grace on us (of which we should be very grateful), by showing us our true and permanent identity.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 138*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 171*

There is nothing like, you will go to heaven after you die – you can experience the celebration of liberation while being alive! Remain with this worthiness. Only faith in the Master is required. Practice devotion to the Master, practice meditation and bhajans as instructed by the Masters. Meditation will purify the heart and bhajans will give you joy and bliss. There should be so much love for the Master that tears should flow. Just like when mother meets the child, what happens? So much oneness has to be there! Without the Master this intense longing will not go away. Master is the god of gods. He is the one who liberates even the gods. But we don’t have conviction, is there anyone who has that kind of conviction? Is there anyone who lives with such faith? Is there fearlessness? Don’t fear the world.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 139*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 172*

Master has told that – you are the Paramatma! There are no restrictions on you. So much fearlessness has to arise. This Spirituality is not about telling others (what to do). This spirituality is free of doubts. I know the reality now, all doubts have been solved. So much fearless frankness should be there in the aspirant. Then he will not fall for rites and rituals. For this, firm devotion with conviction has to be there. The purpose of saying this is that there should be so much devotion and love for the Master. Whatever He has told from time to time should be remembered within and stored within you. And you have to transform yourself accordingly. Only listening to whatever Master tells is not enough. ‘It was a nice _nirupan_(talk)’ this is what we say! But after going home, if we meet some astrologer, immediately you will ask tell me my future, how it will be!!!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 140*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 173*

“This _raghava_(Selfless Self) is like the sky” – your Selfless Self pervades even the sky. Why are you caught up in the bondages of the body? This (measurable) body is not your (true) form! You are caught up in bondage because of your identification with the body. Identify the unidentified (beyond identification) one! Know the Reality. It is called the Selfless Self. This reality we must know. “Know yourself to be yourself” – Know yourself and be still within yourself. The instability (restlessness) is because of the bondage of the body. It is because of concept of – I am something. The Bhagavad Geeta says, “Renounce all religions and surrender to me” – surrender to the Knowledge ‘I am’! Everyone knows this fact but inspite of knowing this we are running behind the unreal!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 140*

Satsanga means to be in the company of the one (Selfless Self) who is always in your company!

*Swatmabodh – 174*

Tell yourself with force – You are the architect of your own life! We should mould ourselves as per what is told by the Master from time to time. We have to make such impressions on ourselves. Otherwise it’s all meaningless. Therefore, only one firm resolve should be to concentrate on – “Sadguru’s words, Sadguru’s bhajans and Sadguru’s meditation”. And accordingly you should transform yourself. In reality you are free, but your own imagination makes you feel you are bound! Endear that purity beyond all imagination, it’s within you. All the time be with the reality. What is with you all the time? It is that Selfless Self!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 140*

Satsanga means to be with the one (Selfless Self) who is always with you!

*Swatmabodh – 175*

Siddharameshwar Maharaj used to say – Read at least one chapter from Dasbodh everyday, do all my bhajans, you will always have enough with you (to feed yourself)! Ranjit Maharaj told us this memory. Read Siddharameshwar Maharaj’s biography and his _nirupanas_ . Read ‘Adhyatmadnyanacha Yogeshwar’. It has been narrated in a very simple and easy language. On reading this we know what to do and what not to do. We have to make ourselves. You have to drop what is not ‘you’ and accept that which is the ever existent truth. ‘It’ is within you only! Don’t be inattentive, it’s a dark night(which belongs to the enemy), be cautious and alert. “Time ran away after the grace of the Sadguru manifested”. If you want to live a fearless life then only one thing (you should follow) – Master’s words and Master’s Bhajan! Make a resolve – “there is no God other than the Master”, then your life will become meaningful.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 140*

Satsanga means to be with the one (Selfless Self) who is always with you!

*Swatmabodh – 176*

This cycle of birth and death, again and again taking birth and dying, not any more! Enough! The end will end, not difficult. Here we need to be (spiritually) stubborn, like the kids! What should we ask from the Master? Ask for Him only! Adamantly stick to the Master’s holy feet. Make the devotion to the Master, one of conviction and free of doubts. Then, you will experience inner peace. It is up to everybody to take the experience of Selfless Self. Master has served you the delicious dishes but you are not eating, you go on describing them! These endless concepts may attack you any moment. That’s why there has to be faith and conviction. The devotion to the Master is extremely important. (You must) Meditate. Meditation will bring freedom, clarity. Then, You will be completely submerged in the ocean of bliss.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 13, page 141*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 177*

We may try to conceptualise the Reality, but by nature it is beyond concepts. In the name of concepts, there is only nothingness!
(Dasbodh, Dashak 7, Samaas 7)

The bitter memories, bitter incidents and unpleasant things should be burnt away in this fire of Holi (a festival). Ramdas Swami has thought about human life in a very very subtle way and told us ways to make it tolerable (happy). Everyone is running after happiness and peace. But what this happiness-peace is, we don’t know! And for that happiness and peace, we have created the concepts of God, Ishwar, Parameshwar! We need some support in this human life, may be some idol or god, some concept has to be there. To get happiness-peace we worship and pray to god. But (if I ask) who needs it (happiness and peace), you say “I”. How is this “I”? Here, the knower of ‘I am’, is being pointed at!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 142*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 178*

Before we came to know the knowingness (prior to conception) was there anything? Was there any trouble? Nisargadatta Maharaj would always say – Be as you were before you came to know yourself! The misery is because of knowingness! Suppose, there was a theft at your home, weren’t we happy till we came to know about it? But once we knew, there was misery! Body-consciousness – I am the body, this we knew and because of this knowing the knowingness became intolerable! The restlessness, disturbance increased. “We may try to conceptualise the Reality, but by nature it is beyond concepts. In the name of concepts, there is only nothingness!” This is a very subtle thought. But as one makes spiritual progress, he will know it!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 143*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 179*

All the time be in touch with yourself(Selfless Self)! Spirituality is not a path, we are not here to get anything, rather we are here to lose everything we have got! This ‘amness’, ‘body-sense’, we must lose, anonymously. There is no need to do anything deliberately. Still we try to get everything deliberately! This is the cause of our misery. Because reality is not knowable. Without imagining, I have the experience of ‘amness’ or ‘knowingness’. While coming in this world did you pass a resolution that I should be born to such and such parents? Or to take human birth. Everything is beyond reason! Who can reason the one beyond reason? It is up to everyone to know the one beyond reason. Spirituality is not a path, you are already at the destination!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 143*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 180*

It is already there (where it is), you don’t need to search for it. But how to identify that which is already there, that trick (or tact) has been conveyed through these Spiritual texts or through words of the Master. What is our true and permanent identity? For that these bodily clothings (or coverings) have to be thrown away! The clothing of “I am the body” has to be forgotten and thrown off! Initially it may be a bit difficult to understand. What is the reality? What is Brahma? What is Ishwara? Names such as Brahma etc. are indications. Your true identity has been indicated, through the word Brahma. “I am Brahma” is also pride! “I have become Ishwara” is also pride! Because these are coverings on top of Reality, these are also crutches! Identify what is Reality. Because of this covering over your Selfless Self, your restlessness has increased. There is disruption. Doubts are increasing, there is a lack of conviction, for that Sadguru is a great medium!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 143*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 181*

“There is no other way than the Master, therefore first catch hold of His holy feet”. By reading books and (spiritual) texts, we may become pundits, we may collect a lot of words, but we will not know the Reality! All these saints, what was their educational qualification? Not much. Saints like Tukaram (and others) have been there, did they do some PhD? Still, the texts which they created, on them people do PhD! Why is this? Because they identified ‘it’. “Even if we imagine the Reality, still by nature it is beyond imagination” this principle they identified in totality (from start to end). Reality is in our true form (beyond the body). Our ego should be dissolved. Why we are not happy and contented? Why still there are difficult circumstances? Because we have tied ourselves up in innumerable concepts, we are stuck in our own web!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 144*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 182*

We love the concepts, it gives temporary happiness but this this is not a lasting happiness. Because it is a happiness stuck in the vicious cycle of the concepts. We have to know ourselves through the medium of (many) words. What is Spirituality? Here you don’t have to do anything – ‘don’t do anything, just be with the saints’. Have simple and innocent devotion. Master has told – Listen O disciple! Know that you are the Paramatma! I mention it again and again. Nisargadatta Maharaj has also told the same thing – Except your Selfless Self there is no God, Atma, Paramatma, Brahman, Master! We hear this repeatedly and yet there is no transformation (within us). It is like the dog’s tail! Why do I tell again and again, because human birth is rare.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 144*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 183*

In this rare human birth it is a great fortune to get to hear Spiritual knowledge. While living in this world, we are lost in the cacophony of the worldly existence. We don’t know what to do and what not to do! We never think for ourselves. We do not understand it’s importance. Here one should have a strong desire to know. Strong will power should be there. What really is (all) this? World is there, but what is the root of Spirituality? What is reality? Do not just trust what you hear. See it for reality! We confirm that one is the thief only after proper verification, it’s same here. We have to catch this ‘thief of Pandhari’! How can this happen? Total faith in the Master is needed. Don’t take the Master to be a person. Master is a great discovery of your Self-Power (_aatmashakti_), it’s a great Power! But we use this power in a wrong way and become unhappy.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 144*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 184*

Therefore use your discretion (discrimination). But one in a lac does (self) enquire in such a way, and one in a crore becomes one with that principle! Knowledge is understood but there is no intensity. There should be intensity in this enquiry. Why does it not happen? What’s lacking (in me)? There should be such purity and clarity. But that intensity is missing, why? (Be cause) We haven’t realised it’s value. When shall we realise? When there is some trouble in life – oh God relieve me, oh God help me! Then you are ready to do anything! But when Master has told, when the circumstances are favourable, we don’t follow the Master’s words! We don’t get time to visit the Master, but when there is some trouble we easily find time! This is human nature. Siddharameshwar Maharaj says in his _nirupana_ – man is very mean!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 146*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 185*

“The unfortunate ones have wasted themselves” why this has been said (by Saint Tukaram)? Out of dejection! Because inspite of having all this knowledge, we don’t leave our wickedness! We don’t leave our ego, we always feel compelled by misdeeds! Master has told this time and again, what do I want to know here? What do i want? To make this life tolerable what is it that I should do? What is my true nature? You are a human being, you are a man, you are a woman, you are God, you are Brahma etc. These are external names, but the Spirit which assumes this name, we have to identify that. And, it is not possible without the medium of the Master therefore “do not forget your true friend, the Master!” In any circumstances (know that) “there is no God other than the Master”. It has been said – The disciple who considers God bigger than the Master, is a waste. “The one who has such faith that Master is the God of Gods! God is with such one and He resides in his home”.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 146*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 186*

There is no God other than you. Unnecessarily you are searching here and there! ‘What is yours is ever with you, but you are looking at a wrong place’. But the attachment and love for the body-mind is so much that it’s impossible to renounce it. Master has told already, but where is the faith in the Master? Just doing bhajans four times… just playing cymbals loudly (is not spirituality). what’s the reason? We got it cheaply! “Why the discourse of a Realized one is not understood by the aspirant? Because his heart is not ripe.” Why does he not understand the Knowledge? Because heart is not ripe. Why heart is not ripe? (Because) there is no conviction, mind is restless, it’s filled with selfishness. It’s not selfless, there is no innocence. Always greed is there to get something! We go with the intention to get something, but is there anyone (any disciple) who says – I want nothing?!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 147*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 188*

“The body is subject to destiny” – these are body-based words. I was never the body, I am not the body, and I will never be the body. Because this body is a burning wood! You may have lot of love (for it) and your people may be loving (you), still it is momentary. This is a fact. Till the body is taken to crematorium, we offer our prayers – let the departed soul rest in peace. We will stand in silence for two minutes! Then it’s all over! Whom to love? How much to love? We love the impermanent more. Love the permanent. It’s is said – “We should have conviction of the permanent”. Do we ever think about the permanent? We love the impermanent more, identify this.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 148*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 189*

“Drop all concepts and know the reality”, we know all this but for that (to be absorbed) we need to jump into this deep lake (of Spirituality). There is no point swimming in shallow waters. You will need to go into deeper waters. Water will enter the nose and mouth, it’s ok even if you don’t understand then. But – “Do not forget your Sadguru _sakha_ (friend)”. Whatever my Master has told is the ultimate truth, there is nothing beyond it, atleast remember this much. Whatever my Master has told me is the ultimate truth, I don’t know anything beyond that. Then let even the Parabrahma-Paramatma (God) come in front of me, (say that) my Master is ultimate, my Master is ultimate, that’s it!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 148*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 190*

Man is attached to the worldly. Everybody has lost faith in themselves! We are guilty, we are miserable. We are responsible for our own unhappiness. We are running behind false happiness, the happiness which does not exist. Look at it, use your discretion. But who is using discretion? Who is bothered? Take everything seriously. This is a great opportunity, human birth is rare. In this rare human life, make some spiritual impressions on your own self. Don’t struggle with anyone. There will be allegations and attacks, have a forgiving attitude. Because you know the pure principle beyond all concepts! The one who attacks is filled with of body-based-knowledge. Therefore transform yourself as per Master’s words. Then no more there will be any concepts of happiness and unhappiness. You will be at peace all the time. You have to observe yourself. Why do I make mistakes? Am I going on a wrong path, what will be it’s repercussions? This is discrimination.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 148*

Just Be, Just Be with the Be!

*Swatmabodh – 191*

“We may try to imagine the Reality, but it is beyond all imagination” – Here, Ramdas Swami has revealed our true-permanent Self, our open-bodiless form, through words (pointers). It is up to everyone to know this, here there is no path, he has shown the mirror of Knowledge! Look at your (true) Self, how you are? For that set aside your mind, intellect, ego and then see (your Self). Spontaneous-state is the best, knowledge-conviction is next, image-worship is lowly and visiting-holy-places is the lowest! So, this _samaas_ is about spontaneous-state. It is spontaneous! As if I am nothing but Knowledge, no trace of imagination is there. “The body may or may not live, have strong faith in Panduranga” – When we have such strong devotion with conviction, then there will be an experience of happiness beyond all experiences.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 14, page 149*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 192*

Basically Brahma is formless, in which the ego-energy arises. This thought about five elements is narrated in this Dnyan-Dashaka.

(Shri Dasbodh, Dashak 4, Samaas – 10, Muktichatushtya)

We used to go to Nisargadatta Maharaj in Khetwadi. I used to read (Dasbodh, Ekanathi Bhagwat). Initially, the volume of speech would be low. Once Maharaj scolded – Read loudly as if ten thousand people are listening! Listening should happen, isn’t it?! Listening affects you profoundly… Ego got created in the formless Brahma, how is it (ego)? It is of the form of air or wind. In the layer on this ego, all the thirty three crore gods are existing! All this (external) mention of gods etc. is a manifestation of your inner reality! Thirty three crore gods, Kailash, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh this is all an expansion of your inner space! This expansion is only after the arising of the ego ‘I am’!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 150*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 193*

Use discretion. Brahma is formless and beyond the gunas. Brahma does not know itself! Where there is identification, there is duality. So, what is the root principle of all this theoretical knowledge, thirty three crore gods, eighty four lac _yonis_ etc.? This one has to identify by using one’s discretion. Where is the original principle of this apparent world? I am Brahma-I am that, find the central point of these(statements). We have become one with the outer world. With introspection we should become one with Brahma, our true Identity. The one who has become one with his true nature spontaneously (using discretion), will only be able to understand the narration in this book (Dasbodh). In short, what is being conveyed in different ways is that the base of this world, existence is your ‘I am’ness. This will be clear only by listening!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 150*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 194*

How should one listen? It should be with oneness. The same thing is explained in different ways. We listen as a discourse or sermon, which you should not. Is Maharaj delivering a sermon? No. Maharaj is narrating your (Self) story, your Reality. In fact, Maharaj is narrating my own story beyond the body! You must listen with such oneness, totally forgetting the body identity(of man or woman). Then the four-liberations(_chatvar-mukti_) will become your servants. Then you don’t need liberation also, you are not bound at all, where is the question of liberation? You are unborn, so where is the question of death? So many binding concepts have arisen after the ‘I amness’ manifested. We have imposed these on ourselves and we stay in these bondages. Because we have accepted these concepts we are suffering, it’s important to know this reality.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 151*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 195*

The universe is based on the self-existent knowledge of “I am”. Through the nine types of devotions, this true story unfolds. This is a true story, what is truth and untruth, this one has to realize on his own. With our great fortune we have met the Master. For a moment let’s think that, it is because of great _punya_(good deeds) of our forefathers, that we have met our Maharaj! Otherwise we would have flown away, got caught up in the vicious cycle. We would have been running behind thirty three crore gods!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 151*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 196*

There should be unshakable, immovable(like _Meru_ mountain) faith in the Master! What is faith in the Master? That, “my Self-Knowledge, Selfless Self is the father of the world!”. I am the father, God of this whole universe, this experience you should take for yourself. I am neither man nor woman, but these are the many layers over my true Self. The thirty three crore gods, the eighty four lac _yonis_, such innumerable concepts are wrapped upon us! We have to contemplate over these and know exactly what I am. We are drowning in many concepts, I am so and so, I have birth and death, I have bondage and liberation. We are caught up in this vicious cycle of illusory concepts. The one who has liberated himself from all these layers of concepts has truly known himself.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 152*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 197*

Be attentive, be attentive! Be alert, be alert! But who is (alert and attentive)? Who listens with that attention? Therefore, I tell you not to listen as a discourse or sermon, but as if it’s a narration of my true identity of Selfless Self or my own story. It’s like my birth-mark, a sign of my true identity. “The one through which I know myself, is ‘my Self’!” It’s a very simple knowledge! Not difficult, it’s easy! Do we need a science to know ourselves?

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 152*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 198*

A sage was asked – Maharaj, how is Brahman? The sage said – it is like an onion! So, what the onion has to do with Brahman? Onion has many layers over it, as you remove these one by one, what remains in the end? Nothing – that you are! Remove these layers of concepts. For that no rites and rituals are required. What you need is Master, devotion to the Master, and complete faith in the Master’s words! Surrender your ego at the holy feet of the Master. Surrender to the Master totally! The moment the ego dissolves, that moment you will see the eternal! Till then you will not get peace. This is a certainty. Therefore, be attentive, be attentive!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 152*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 199*

“Identify the Reality, drop all concepts” There are innumerable concepts around us. Through these layers identify who you truly are. But, how should be this conviction? It should be like the unshakable, immovable _Meru_ mountain! It should not be wavering. This is a _saptah_ (celebration) of listening. We should very seriously think about it (with discretion). Devotion should be rock solid. In our day to day life we do something with perfection, (Maharaj gives an example of cooking that if the quantity of salt in some preparation is a little more, the item will be overly salted and lose the taste), we should be that perfect even in spirituality.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 153*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 200*

Do not get influenced by mere theoretical knowledge. Know the meaning, knowledge should be experienced. You should speak spirituality, only from experience. There are many who speak theoretical knowledge, but there should be that compassion. Saint Tukaram, Eknath Maharaj also composed _abhangas_ but in that they gave knowledge which came out of experience. Today’s poets compose good poems, but those have hardly anything to do with reality! Whatever words come up (in mind) and they write, there is no meaning also in those! Knowledge should be spontaneous, it should manifest within. The poem should arise (spontaneously) within. The literature created by the saints, came from their experience. It came from their inner faith. Hence, there should be continued (self) enquiry or investigation.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 153*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 201*

In spirituality, every aspirant should have thorough and perfect self-investigation. The aspirant should have total faith in the Master, otherwise his conviction is shaky. The one who has strong and total conviction, does not move away from his stand ever. Then, this Knowledge reveals itself automatically. Knowledge is to know ourselves, what else? He has become a _jnani_, what it means? It means he has become one with his Selfless Self, he saw him-Self truly. How am I – how am I? With this continuous enquiry, his ‘I’ness dissolved! “Is, is not, vanished and ‘that’ remained inspite of nothing being there” – this became his conviction. Quietly discriminate (and find out). “I saw my own death” – means what they did? They did not commit suicide but saw that this body is already dead! They saw what is mortal, so immortality showered itself on them! This is simple and easy knowledge. Accept that this is my own Self-knowledge and follow devotion with oneness.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 153*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 202*

What is there in the flow of this world, this bodily existence? Among innumerable concepts what exactly is ‘I’? After one identifies this (on one’s own), the stand will become clearer which is called ‘understanding’. In Spirituality understanding is extremely important. Ranjit Maharaj visited many foreign countries, he met many foreigners. They were intelligent, many had done PhDs on philosophy, on Hindu religion, but they were unstable and lost because of lack of understanding! A lady who had done PhD on philosophy came, she was saying she had no peace! She had written three theses on Tukaram Maharaj’s disciple Niloba Maharaj, she had some miraculous experiences but she complained of lack of peace! Maharaj told her in one sentence – you will not get peace till your search is over. Today you are coming to me, tomorrow you will go elsewhere, how can it help? She is not at peace because she hasn’t known her-Self! She literally cried but she never came again! Because there is no conviction, conviction should be (immovable) like Meru mountain.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 154*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 203*

Whatever Master has told verify it for yourself. Ask-how this? I tell those who come to me not to just nod your heads! I say something and you nod your head (without understanding). It should not be so, do not nod your heads without experience (understanding)! I tell clearly – ask any question. I know what you will ask – what you have heard, read or told! What else can you ask? You have collected some spiritual words (from outside sources), there would be 200-250 such words, you will bombard me with those! You have read books, spiritual texts, heard somewhere – but I know very well the multiplication (of concepts) you have done! Just as someone says – I know your father! Theoretical knowledge does not give contentment, for that know your ‘Self’! For that no intellect or scriptures are needed. What is needed? You need to have strong self-conviction. As per the teachings of the Master, the aspirant whose conviction becomes unshakable, like the _Meru_ mountain, easily relieves himself from the cycle of birth and death!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 154*

Search the searcher, it will lead to Knowledge!

*Swatmabodh – 204*

Birth and death are concepts. None has experience of birth, nor anyone has experience of death! Whatever we see is all imagination. Conviction should be strong and to strengthen it be certain about your understanding. Once the aspirant ascertains his ‘true identity’ he does not wander here and there. If someone tells him Brahma is like this, like that, he says – “I know very well, my Master has told me how Brahma is! I am experiencing it, I am enjoying it. You need not tell me!”. In such a way, the one who does not fall prey to outside influences, is a firm aspirant!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 15, page 155*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 205*

Speaking bitter ‘truth’, many feel bored. Having nausea, while having food is no good.

(Dasbodh Dashak 12/ Samaas 7 – Vishaytyag)

In this chapter Ramdas Swami mentions about the state of mind of the aspirants. Worldly people like us, we did not know how to blend spiritual knowledge and worldly life. Before meeting the Master, there were many doubts. It was a state of confusion. The mind was running helter-skelter. We were running behind external gods, as guided by (ignorant) others. Where lies our happiness, our contentment, our peace, we did not know. Our mind was running helter-skelter, the mind was restless and unstable. After meeting the Master, it got the right direction.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 156*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 206*

“Speaking bitter truth” whatever we (saints) say, is boring. I see many times people are sleepy, they take naps! Maharaj speaks for such a long time, what is the time, we have to go home! This is because, the mind is not ready to accept the Reality, it’s not your fault. The mind is not ready to accept this fact. It is looking for something illusive! It loves what is not – everyone knows the body is not my identity, but we still love the body so much! We are looking for happiness through the bodily sense organs. Master has told – the body is not your identity, still we don’t feel like accepting it. Master has told the bitter truth – you are Brahma, you are God of Gods, you are Master! We hear everything but mind is not stable, there is doubt. These bitter-truth talks we do not like, we listen but the mind is not ready (to absorb it).

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 156*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 207*

Detachment is needed. We are attached to life – I want to do something, I want to be something. It is for getting physical and mental happiness. What exactly is happiness? We do not know! We call sensory pleasure, object pleasure as happiness. But, where there are no senses, no objects such objectless happiness is within everyone. But since it is not visible, we do not understand its importance. Where is happiness in me, we say! The ‘one’ through which you know ‘You are’ is the ocean of happiness! Saints have called it the ocean of happiness and love. This Sadguru resides within you all the time (twenty four hours).

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 157*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 208*

Our pretense of the body, the influence, the importance, the love of the body has become stronger over the years. Whatever we may do, it does not dissolve. For that we need renunciation and detachment. Why should we love that which is not? We should use the body, not that we should not. Body is there to be used. But it becomes very difficult for us to blend worldly life and spirituality. People say – it’s easy for you to give dry knowledge! We have to live the worldly life, we have to take care of our family, there are family problems, how can we manage? Such are are the people who are always raising doubts!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 157*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 209*

“The one who shows Reality is Sadguru” this is the definition. There are many Gurus in this world but meeting a Sadguru is extremely important. We are truly fortunate to have met the Sadguru and He has shown the Reality to us. What is that (Reality)? It is – Remember only one thing, what you love so much (body-mind-near and dear ones-world) were never yours in the first place, now also they are not yours and will never be yours. Because this is all momentary. With this conviction we should live the worldly life. Even while living the worldly life, we should remain detached.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 157*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 210*

I had told you the story(analogy) about detachment which Nisargadatta Maharaj had narrated. A neighbour’s child having very high fever is in your laps. You feel love for the child, you feel compassion, but you know for sure that the child is not yours. Similarly this body is the neighbour’s child! The body constitutes of the five elements and trigunas. In this (body), the one who speaks, the one who listens to Nirupanas, is different! The one who identified this separateness, he won’t fall in love with the body! He will feed the body, he will take care of the body and it’s hygiene, but he has conviction that the body is not his true form. But for this Spirituality is needed. Then you won’t feel the suffering and bondage of this life.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 157*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 211*

It’s a simple trick – no need to leave your house, no need to leave the worldly life, no need to go to some forest. Maharaj has given us this Naam Mantra. Whenever you get time, sit for meditation for 10-15mts, 1-2hrs (as per time availability). If you can’t manage even that much continue reciting Naam-Mantra (in mind). This is quite easy, not difficult. We can continue Naam-Smaran while performing other activities. This doesn’t require much hardship, no need to spend any money! Do Naam-Smaran and meditate as and when you get time. What will you achieve with that? The attachment to the body will get reduced. There will be certain detachment. And, The happiness which we expect, the happiness beyond senses-objects-expectations, that you will get. Then he doesn’t need any material happiness (which comes through senses), he doesn’t need anything. He is immersed in his inner joy. This is not just to tell, this is the experience!

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 158*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 212*

There should be total loyalty-faith in the Master. There should be faith, no doubt should be there. The conviction should be total but our conviction is not total. There is doubt in the mind, we have faith in external gods. For smallest problem, we go to astrologer! These concepts must dissolve if we want some benefit from our spirituality. Otherwise we listen here and then visit some temple or church to worship some external god! This dichotomy is harmful to our spirituality. With great fortune we have met the Master, have total faith in Him. Nothing can affect you then, the calamities which come dissolve automatically. Some of us must have experienced this. The one who has total faith in the Master, all his difficulties are dissolved automatically.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 158*

The body is not permanent, it is ‘breath like’!

*Swatmabodh – 213*

A great principle is within all of us. Master has given us its Knowledge but we do not awaken it. “When bitter truth is spoken most people find it boring” – mind becomes lazy because it’s not interested in the truth. Mind finds great pleasure in the unreal, the imaginary and the objects. To avoid this it’s very important to witness the mind. I said the other day, spirituality should be Selfless Self-focused, not person-focused. Spirituality should not be person-oriented meaning the base should not be I am so and so. Because there is the spirit there is person. If there is no spirit, what is the meaning of the person? If there is no Spirit within, what is the value of the body? It is zero! This is a fact.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, chapter 16, page 158*

Stay as you were prior to beingness!

*Swatmabodh – 304*

Remove the flaws from this human body(-mind). Thoughts flow endlessly in the mind. Everybody complains of having bad thoughts (inside them). There are bad dreams, there is influence of innumerable concepts. *Do not accept any thoughts flowing inside! It is natural for thoughts to flow, but which thoughts to accept and which to ignore, is up to you.* When will we understand this? For that there should be the ability to discern the real from the unreal(_sar-asar buddhi_), and discrimination(_vivek_). In Dasbodh there is a lot of emphasis on discrimination and conviction. *Devotion is the mother of Knowledge.* Without devotion you cannot know yourself truly. There should be true devotion, there should be no separation(in devotion). Total faith is must.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, Page 203, Chapter 21*

Stay as you were prior to beingness!

*Swatmabodh – 305*

In spirituality, each aspirant must have total conviction(of the Master’s teachings). There is nothing lacking in you. The Spirit in this body is the same Spirit which is in your body. Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Ganapati these are the _khyati_ (famous) names. The Spirit used by them is the same which is within you. The same Paramatma is within you. (But) How unfortunate! We have embraced this material-body. ‘*The body is an overcoat*’ is what Siddharameshwar Maharaj says. You may have read the nirupanas by Siddharameshwar Maharaj. They are very very beautiful. You must read. He has explained in a very simple language, in small sentences. Everyone must read the text ‘Adhyatmadnyanacha Yogeshwar’.

*Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj*
*Aatmaanatmavivek, Page 203, Chapter 21*
