A Lot of Garbage Inside
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One thing is there, after spiritual knowledge, you are getting courage to face problems. Problems will be reduced. You’ll get tolerance, patience. How you will be with that particular problem, prior to realization, prior to spiritual knowledge, and how you will be after spiritual knowledge it changes. Today there may be unhappiness, tomorrow you may have exceptional happiness. But what happens is you concentrated, ‘why this, why this?’ You are trying, some or other way, to relate that problem to spiritual knowledge. ‘Why is this happening’, ‘why is that’ ‘why this irritation is there, why this depression is there’. So, it is a type of cleaning process. Body base, it creates some vibrations inside. Veils are there, layers are there, it’s cleaning. Purification stage. It happens to everybody, myself also. In my early stage, having taken Naam Mantra, prior to realization, always had bad, very bad dreams. Dead bodies are there, burning dead bodies, all this no sleep. I went to Nisargadatta Maharaj to tell about all these things, he said ‘Let happen, what happens’. Then one week, two weeks, I am in depression, because I am not yet having conviction. I am always asking ‘why this, why this.’ Then it goes away. Clean all this, all this mess is going out. All garbage is gone away. Inside, you know, like I told, there is a lot of garbage inside. A lot of garbage inside. This is renewed. Years together a lot of garbage is inside, so many concepts. As I told about the tenants. Now you have conviction, knowing the Reality. You know that body was not identity, is not my identity, body is not going to remain my identity. Through body all this action, being done by whom? It is called Brahman, invisible, anonymous, unidentified.
It is coming out. Don’t worry about it. For certain moment, for certain experience, everybody is having different experiences. Your experience may be different, his experience, etc. It depends upon vibrations, it depends upon the changes inside. One thing I’ll tell you is after having involvement with spiritual knowledge, so many changes taking place inside, you’ll feel it. Then ultimately there is exceptional peace, beyond imagination. Total peace, beyond… Then you are not required to go anywhere. There is no temptation or attraction of a material cause for happiness. Steady there. Until that, something happens. What is happening, we are trying to relate what is happening inside with spiritual knowledge. ‘I am spiritual man, how this happens?’ So my advice, just be calm and quiet. Have patience, I tell you, it is my experience also. It’s OK, some burning is there. Just like Nisargadatta Maharaj says ‘If drop of poison goes inside, there will be irritation.’
I am not angry with Nisargadatta Maharaj. No, no, no. Not like that. He is my Master. How can I get angry with my Master? No, no anger is there. Anger is at a physical level, mental level, intellectual level. So, you have to come out from physical level, intellectual level, mental level, egoistic level. We are going around within the circle, throw away. Circle says this is Master, this is disciple, you have to throw away. There is no difference between Master and disciple, only body. So why get angry? India sky different from China sky? Sky is sky. As long as essence of body is there, this is bound to happen. Essence of body is supposed to be dissolved. ‘I am somebody else’ as in Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, or spiritual man, and because I am considering ‘I am spiritual man, I am realized, this type of thing shouldn’t trouble me, irritate me’. We have made a frame, and if anything happens against that frame, irritation. Why to be angry.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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